Is information technology lunchtime yet?

Why yous're feeling famished – and what to do about it once and for all!

It's 11:00 am and all of a sudden you're hungry. Not just hungry, y'all're famished. It's too early for lunch, and you ate your breakfast just like you were supposed to. Or, perhaps information technology's 1:00 pm, you just finished your lunch, but you're already hungry again . If you've ever gotten back from a repast to find yourself already feeling like you need more than, yous go it – and boy, is it frustrating! You just ate, " how on earth is information technology possible that I'thousand already hungry AGAIN? " yous shriek internally. And so your inner hypochondriac chimes in: do I have a case of the munchies? Am I getting my flow? Is this what happens when y'all have a tapeworm? (disclaimer: information technology's not). You lot rack your brain to justify it instead of thinking mayhap, just MAYBE, in that location is a totally normal, nil-to-be-concerned-about reason for why you lot're feeling hungry. In fact, there are a handful of things that can exist causing your tummy to rumble like you've never eaten before, and guess what? They're totally normal. Here are six reasons you lot could be feeling hungry even though you lot ate.


Fiber is primal to filling yous up and keeping y'all feeling full, nevertheless the vast majority of people don't eat enough of the good stuff. Then, if yous're puzzled as to why y'all're feeling hungry, your fiber intake is oft the first thing to look at. First, if you lot're not eating ample (or any!) cobweb, what is information technology that you are eating? The average American diet is heavily comprised of refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates (otherwise known as simple carbohydrates) are sugars and grains that have been processed and stripped of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are foods like cookies, crackers, and sweets, but besides breakfast cereals, white bread, pasta, pizza, bagels, and white rice. When you swallow too many refined carbohydrates, your body digests them quickly, and the sugar enters your bloodstream apace, causing blood sugar spikes and subsequent crashes. When your blood carbohydrate crashes, you lot feel weak, shaky, cranky, tired, and hungry, and thus are compelled to eat again, even if your terminal repast was not so long ago.

Withal, had your repast independent ample fiber, this scenario would likely accept played out a little differently. Fiber is indigestible, and so foods that contain fiber accept longer to digest than foods that don't (like refined carbs). In effect, eating foods high in fiber slows the digestion procedure down. This helps to prevent the blood sugar spikes and crashes that tin can drive you to crave more and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. On top of that, high-fiber foods are rather filling in the place. Fiber adds bulk to food, and then foods high in fiber are more voluminous. Fiber also swells in the breadbasket, then when y'all eat high-fiber foods it takes up even more than space in your belly earlier moving along the GI tract, which it does slowly because the fiber is (over again) indigestible. It's for these reasons why swapping white bread out for fiber-filled GG crackers when you make a sandwich satisfies your hunger for longer.


Metaphorically speaking, remember of fiber and protein similar peanut butter and jelly. Both are good on their own, but together they're even better. If your dish contains fiber simply lacks protein, you lot may find yourself hungry soon after. Protein is satiating; it helps yous feel fuller without having to eat more than. This is in part considering protein isn't digested very speedily. Then, when you swallow poly peptide, it slows the movement of food through the GI tract—and slower stomach emptying means prolonged feelings of fullness. Protein too impacts our hunger and satiety hormones: ghrelin and leptin. It helps reduce ghrelin levels (the hormone that tells us it's fourth dimension to eat) and may increment leptin sensitivity (the hormone that signals to the states that we're full)one,ii. Lastly, if you lot had filled upwardly on more protein in that location's a chance you wouldn't accept relied on other, less salubrious foods that don't keep y'all feeling total. Like fiber, if your meal lacked protein, there's a good run a risk it was comprised primarily of refined carbs, which, as noted above, can cause your blood sugar levels to fasten, crash, and leave yous feeling similar you need to eat again.

To brand sure your meal fills you upwardly and keeps you lot feeling full, y'all want to take both fiber and protein. These 2 nutrients are clinically proven to fill up you upward and keep yous feeling full for the longest period of fourth dimension.

(3) Yous DIDN'T Go ENOUGH SLEEP Final Dark

Whether information technology was a night spent tossing and turning, or you stayed up by your bedtime, a poor nighttime'south sleep could be what is driving yous to want to eat. This is considering the amount and quality of your sleep likewise affects those hunger and satiety hormones, ghrelin, and leptin. After a good nighttime of sleep, these hormones work every bit they're supposed to, making us hungry when information technology's time to swallow and telling us to put the fork down when we're full. A poor night's sleep, on the other mitt, throws these hormones out of whack; ghrelin (the i that stimulates appetite) levels soar, and levels of leptin (the one that tells us we're full) plummet. And so, fifty-fifty if yous ate, y'all may be feeling hungrier than normal, and less satiated than you otherwise would.


Sometimes, our hunger is really thirst in disguise. The symptoms of dehydration mimic those of hunger. We haven't been drinking plenty H2o and thus we feel like we're hungry; we feel weak, cranky and tired, and recall oh, I must be hungry. Water is also bully for digestion and plays a key role in virtually every bodily role, so drinking up is always a good idea. Aim for three liters of water per day to ensure you're staying properly hydrated.

(five) YOUR Nutrition LACKS Fatty

Fat may have a bad rap, only we do need some of it in the diet. A niggling bit of fat at each meal helps to decelerate the digestion procedure. Similar to how a meal with fiber or protein slows digestion, this helps go along you feeling fuller for a longer catamenia of fourth dimension than a meal that does not accept any. So, if your last repast lacked fat (olive oil, cheese, avocado), you may be feeling hungry once more sooner than you'd expect. With that being said, the calories from fats do add up fast so if weight management is your goal, it'south of import to be mindful of portion sizes. The F-Cistron Diet Volume provides a list of fatty exchanges for reference.

The recommendation on fats is to opt for the unsaturated fats and employ them in moderation. Roughly 30% of your calories per day should come from healthy fats, which equates to ~33g of additional fats (ie on top of the fats your proteins include) if yous are on Step ane of the F-Cistron Diet.


Long treadmill session this AM? That may exist the reason y'all're counting down the minutes to dejeuner. When you practise physical activeness, your body uses the glycogen it has stored from what you've eaten as fuel. This happens whether the action is unproblematic, similar getting out of bed, or intense, similar a total-on triathlon. The divergence is the corporeality of free energy the trunk burns for the action; low-cal activeness uses a piffling glycogen and intense activity uses more. When y'all do intense physical activity, similar a sweat-pouring-out-of-you cardio session, your torso uses a lot of glycogen, and can even use up all the glycogen you have stored. Nosotros frequently refer to this equally elimination your glycogen stores. This is why athletes "carbo-load," so they take plenty of glycogen to fuel their physically strenuous activities. Back to your conditioning and subsequent rumbling tummy, your trunk knows that the current sweat-session isn't the terminal activity for which yous're going to need energy and thus wants to refuel in preparation for the next activity. The result: you feel hungry.

Aside from the physiological reasons why cardio stimulates ambition, there's a mental part of the equation as well. Ofttimes times we overestimate how many calories we burn during a workout. We know we need to refuel and believe that since we worked out and so intensely and burned so many calories, we ought to swallow a much bigger meal than we really demand. That mindset in itself tin can add to our in-the-moment feelings of hunger.


Things happen! Feeling extra hungry one day is no crusade for concern. Keep the above factors in mind and side by side time y'all're feeling inexplicably ravenous, skip the webMD search and have a piffling snack.


  1. Blom WA, Lluch A, Stafleu A, et al. Effect of a high-protein breakfast on the postprandial ghrelin response.Am J Clin Nutr. 2006;83(two):211-220. doi:ten.1093/ajcn/83.two.211
  2. Weigle DS, Breen PA, Matthys CC, et al. A high-poly peptide diet induces sustained reductions in ambition, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite compensatory changes in diurnal plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations.Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;82(1):41-48. doi:10.1093/ajcn.82.1.41